30 January 2012

So a big part of this transition into 1/2 marathon training has really been more of a lifestyle adjustment.  In addition to sticking to my running schedule created on this website I have also paid close attention to my eating habits.  I have always been told "those who keep track of what they eat each day, consume significantly less calories than those who don't" but I haven't actually ever committed to doing that.  However, I've actually been very strict with this since New Year's and it has actually made me much more thoughtful about food choices.  One habit I have picked up for the first time since being on this healthy lifestyle kick is actually being intentional about portions - and even measuring my meat.  Pretty convenient that I received this gift for Christmas, as I use it several times a week now:

I've also been working to make healthy conscious choices for every bite.  After my long run yesterday (I'm now up to 6 miles) I was quite hungry of course and opted to make this really delicious snack:
Trader Joe's vanilla bean yogurt, frozen berries, and sliced almonds mmm.

Also, if you're even looking for new ideas in the kitchen you should immediately follow my sisters blog: http://bonjourariana.blogspot.com/

29 January 2012

Week 5

Today begins week five of 1/2 marathon training/lifestyle changing/new nutrition habits etc.  Last week was my first six mile run, and today I ran another six.  I can say now that I am officially enjoying running again.  I love the time a long run gives you to think with little distraction, I love sweating, and I love feeling that I am getting into better shape.
I was discouraged two weeks into my training because I couldn't run longer than a couple of minutes without quite a bit of pain.  I knew I couldn't continue training like this so I made my first visit to Charm City Run.  Here I was fitted with my first real good pair of running shoes.  Since then I've been running pain free and only had to focus on building my endurance and getting into better shape.  I love running in these shoes:

26 January 2012

4 miles

This evening I was tired but I put on my running shoes anyway.  I've read it helps to go into a run thinking positive thoughts and I certainly didn't do that tonight, whoops.  About half way through my run (tonight was a medium run for this week - 4 miles), I suddenly realized I had already been running nearly twenty minutes, and it was easy.  For the first time in a long while I ran a nice, easy 4 miles.   Now I'm looking forward to my next run!

25 January 2012

new beginnings

I've been sharing my story lately describing 2011 as a year I spent grieving and declaring 2012 a year of rediscovering who I am, and who I am becoming.  In 2012, no longer am I able to lose sight of myself.  When spending a lovely Christmastime at home with my family with time to relax and reflect I thought seriously about what 2012 should mean to me.  For over a year now I've made promises to myself about getting back into shape, cooking more, eating healthier, and making time for me - and I've broken these promises over and over again.
Finally, I put an end to these on New Year's Even when I signed up for my very first race, a half marathon (eek!).  The big day is March 17th.  At Christmas, I could barely finish 3 miles, so I knew if I was going to do this, the excuses were over.  I'm naming this training period, "25before25": losing 25 pounds before my 25th birthday.

Here it goes: getting fit, losing weight and being healthy....